NDIS Planning
NDIS Planning information relevant for people with Angelman Syndrome.
The Angelman Syndrome Association Australia recently published a National Disability Insurance Scheme Guide for Angelman Syndrome.
This Guide provides:
- General information on the NDIS
- An overview of the process – from becoming a participant and the planning process, to receiving a Plan and the Review process
- Angelman Syndrome Participant Statement Examples
- Typical questions that are asked during a planning meeting
- Funded Plan Support Examples from our community
- Participant transport fact sheet
- Glossary (The meaning of important words used in the NDIS process)
Several families contributed to the guide by answering an NDIS questionnaire and providing copies of their NDIS plans, which have been de-identified and used to help develop the Guide.
No guide can accommodate every example, but we hope the information is useful for families.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme Guide for Angelman Syndrome can be found at http://www.angelmansyndrome.org/ndisguideforas
Other resources, workbooks & information
To assist in your planning process are linked below
For additional information you can contact us via the email or phone numbers.